About Us

CeTICS mission is to probe into biological systemic response of cells, tissues or whole organisms using chemically defined peptide toxins as molecular tools.

The objective is to discover and chemically characterize molecular targets of toxins, which very likely initiate biological responses of interest in human pathophysiology and therapeutics. These molecular targets are critical receptors and/or other mediators, which trigger downstream molecular signaling networks underlying biological homeostatic functions.

Principal Investigator
Hugo Aguirre Armelin

Education and Knowledge Diffusion Coordinator
Mônica Lopes-Ferreira

Technology Transfer Coordinator
Gisele Picolo

Along of last years, CeTICS focused efforts for the integration on five research topics: 1. Integrated studies to understand venom and toxin response; 2. Venom genomics in an evolutionary perspective; 3. Antibodies; 4. Interplay among inflammation, pain and DNA damage; 5. ARTISiN: Amalgam of Repositories and Tools for Identification of Signaling Networks.


Natural venoms are complex mixtures comprising many toxins, peptides and otherwise, which act in concert to efficiently break apart the highly robust homeostatic systems of prey organisms. On the other hand, the organism under attack actively antagonizes each step of the envenomation phenomenon, which displays a complex kinetics involving major changes at molecular, cell and tissue levels. The challenges for investigators that study venoms and envenomation comprehend two daunting hurdles. First, natural venoms contain a variety of toxins and other biologically active substances, which must be analyzed aiming to isolate and chemically characterize their molecular components. Second, venoms trigger a systemic response that progresses from local cells to tissues up to the whole organism, i.e., the dynamics of envenomation, whose molecular underlying mechanisms must be uncovered. Both challenging sides must be approached in parallel and its initial phase is necessarily exploratory and descriptive. However, success in this initial phase very likely will progress to a phase of discovery of novel toxins and their respective molecular metabolic targets, which are inserted in major regulatory networks. At this advanced phase, the investigation is dominated by hypothesis-driven research. This schematic rationale is valid for all venoms and toxins irrespective of the enormous biological diversity.


In our Center, we count with a team of diversified experts that share a range of complementary skills. This multiplicity of expertise allowed us to contemplate, within the focal topic 1, “toxin response”, still poorly known venoms and completely characterized toxins; in addition, the topic 2 is a natural extension of the 1, i.e., “venom genomic evolution”. On the other hand, the host organism reacts to envenomation triggering a highly complex phenomenon, namely, the “immune response”, however, within this vast subject our topic 3 focus on a classical theme “antibodies”. Furthermore, still within the host response, topic 4 focus on a compounded complex phenomenon “inflammation, pain and genome stability”. Finally, topic 5 deals with the bioinformatics and computational biology required to focus on “static maps of molecular signaling networks and computational dynamical models of these same networks”.

At a glance, this scenario might look like an unmanageable scientific investigation. But, before jumping to conclusions we assure the reader that in all focal topics of investigation we deal with manageable projects comprising introduction, rationale, defined objectives and concluding results, which follow strict methodological pipelines. This statement is supported by the progress we made in last two years, whose main results are highlighted in the next paragraphs.

Toxinology and regulation of the lmmune-response are two interconnected classical areas of scientific investigation around which the Butantan Institute historically built its strong international reputation.


Toxinology and regulation of the lmmune-response are two interconnected classical areas of scientific investigation around which the Butantan Institute historically built its strong international reputation. Indeed, it is deeply rooted in the culture of Butantan lnstitute, the notion that toxins are components in complex venoms, which were selected by evolution to exert concerted systemic biological effects through highly specific biochemical, molecular and cellular mechanisms. As a corollary to this notion, isolation and chemical characterization of venom components very likely can yield novel toxin molecules with high therapeutic potential.Following this historical tradition, in the last 10 years, investigators of the Center for Applied Toxinology (CAT CEPID project) successfully isolated, chemically characterized and patented several novel protein and peptide toxins, which became starting points for development of pharmaceutical innovations in partnership with local industries. This emphasis on proteins and peptides led to deployment of state of the art laboratories for proteomics, transcriptomics, molecular biology of recombinant DNA and peptide synthesis. More recently, studies of biochemical, molecular and cellular mechanisms of hopeful therapeutic drugs were initiated, aiming to establish proofs of concept.Thus, the CAT project has progressively paved the way towards a systems biology oriented center of toxins, immune-response and cell signaling at Butantan lnstitute. The present proposal aims to establish the new Center of Toxins, lmmune-response and Cell Signaling – CeTICS – as a world class center of excellence, taking advantage of the Butantan lnstitute historical international reputation and, also, the research successes and infrastructure legacy of the CAT CEPID project. To this end 10 investigators, representative of the most competitive leaders of research in the Butantan lnstitute, designed a Center’s ambitious research plan focused on integration of subprojects biased towards scientific research and subprojects motivated for technological innovations. A large group of senior scientists from Butantan lnstitute, from other Brazilian institutions and, also, from well-known foreign institutions are collaborators of the Center.