
TnP, a leader candidate

to design a new drug to demyelinating conditions

The toxins of T. nattereri venom have become a good tool for understanding the cellular and molecular immunological mechanisms underlying the inflammation and the B-cells compartment. We found that chronic inflammation promoted by venom or Natterins creates a tissue microenvironment composed by cytokines and sustained by IL-1 ß /IL-1R1 derived innate signals, which induce neutrophil extracellular traps . IL-17A in NETs is essential for the final differentiation of long-lived plasma cells and sustained production of highly affinity antibodies with anti-inflammatory action European countries, USA and Asia. Preclinical trials have established the Tetracycline, an inhibitor of MMPs expression and activity, controls dermonecrosis and kidney injury induced by Loxosceles venom and its main toxin, (human cells) and in vivo (mouse and rabbit) models. These data suggest that tetracycline may be the sphingomyelinase D (SMases D), in in vitro a suitable therapeutic intervention for both cutaneous and systemic Loxoscelism. neutrophils to undergo NETosis and triggers the extrusion of IL-17A along with (NETs). Recently, the TnP family of peptides was subjected to a patent application in several countries and currently is patented in safety use of this peptide and confirmed that TnP first leader candidate to design a new drug Multiple sclerosis.